Life has a way of proving everyone right or wrong. That’s why it is known as consequences. Have you met some of your childhood friends, and they remind you what you did to them, either negative or positive and how much impact it made in their lives? Sure, if we can picture those events either we choose not to make that mistake again or we could have done more. Maybe what you did years ago was to serve this purpose of right now. How long did it last a few mins right and why did they give you the whole day to explain yourself because there’s a long line behind you and if you fail the opportunity goes to someone else, and you lose. You start over again and wait for that same opportunity. This is to say when you are preparing for an event everything matters; the time, the relationships, the environment, your communication, and your brand is very important to you. And when that least expectation happens it pays off, and you wonder how you would have arrived at this stage if you weren’t preparing for this event in your world life. Others who choose to prepare when they see an event and fail due to lack of preparations obtain a fail result start finding something to lay blames on.
Some might be lucky and get what they want but will not learn a lesson until when a few mins will matter so much to them. Sometimes it is said; it is better to have something and don’t use it than not to have anything and unable to use it when the opportunity comes along. That Pain hits so deep.
Others who keep working hard but nothing shows up for the results keep working hard, the more you work hard the better your opportunities get.
This is how you differentiate between hard work and Hard luck.