
The only thing that keeps us as humans is hope, Hope is believing in something positive, not negative. Anytime our lives seem to be complicated we look both left and right, and we find nothing to rely on, and suddenly we feel and expect things will turn around for the best someday. The chronicles of life are well-defined by the person involved in the story, but the one living the story has different handwriting. In fact, who is the legend, the person hallucinating his life or the person living in the story? Things we should understand;
- STORY. We all have a beginning and an end. The beginning is when we are born, we don’t choose our parents and the environment and vice versa, but we are accepted by these factors and developed into what we most appreciate which is ourselves. Now, the question is how do we live our lives, are you the legend in the story, or do you move with the flow of the society? If that’s the case, therefore, the story is not yours, but you are a passenger. Analytically, your lack of belief is identified when you don’t give yourself the opportunity to explore your world through your experiences and error. You don’t believe in your story because you’re not just one living in the story, but once you realize your purpose and the way you live your life changes and things start becoming special and unique in the way you deal with stuff.
2. MENTAL GROWTH: We can never be the same as kids. As we grow and develop, our minds upgrade and the level of understanding keeps expanding and less judgment. Another thing we fear the most is being different from others, are you going to be accepted? Are you going to belong? What new self-concept are you giving yourself?. All these questions will remain questions unless you decide to act and upgrade your mental thinking before you can gradually start answering the questions. Mental growth requires you to elevate your thinking and this will affect the way you communicate, and interact with yourself and your neighbors. The beginning of this phase of believing in your worth and abilities means you are responsible for writing the story when you start doubting yourself, just know you are doubting yourself and society is writing your story.
3. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The first thing that attracts the next person to you is the physical body, and the first thing you should accept is your physical body. Many will explain to you, that I was not interested in the way you look, but I looked through your heart. I will testify that’s a 50% chance it’s true. Your physical appearance is the first step towards hope, either satisfied with what you see or dissatisfied. If you are not satisfied with what you see, therefore there’s the need to work more and create the picture you always imagine about yourself. If there’s no improvement, low self-esteem, or low or no self-confidence will you attract and that will reduce your productivity? Whereas, if you decide to change the way you look and focus on being a better version, what you believe and hope for will come into reality soon.
4. LIFE: Being alive is a gift and that’s hope in its physical form sometimes the misfortunes of life, push every human into its shell and others will choose the easiest way by killing themselves. The only thing constant in life is change, meaning everything you are going through now is temporal, and they are the best days ahead. As long as you are alive, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Death is not life, and life is not death. therefore it is a privilege to be alive. Make good use of it and be adventurous. The experiences make us grow, and survival is hope for the younger generations. Remember, only the old can understand the difference between a mistake and an error
NB: Mistakes are accidents. You know it’s wrong, but the wrong word slips out.
An error, on the other hand, is something you don’t know. Errors are interesting because it gives you a chance to learn something for the first time.
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