Member-only story

The fear you are experiencing shouldn’t be from a place of disgust and anguish. It’s a reminder you’re alive. From your least expectations fear appears and could possibly vanish at the spot except if you’re able to pin down that feeling. Whereas, ignorance can make it stay longer and nurture other emotions within you. Everyone including you, has the ability/power to remove and add anything, this can only be possible when you single out the triggering factors. There’s no gender, age, race or anything that fear doesn’t approach, it’s like air, water and death. Before you condemn someone of being scared make sure you are wise enough not to fall cause in falling you see beyond the word fear and strength.
Individuals experiencing constant fear, anxiety and many other emotions which deprive them from challenging themselves, should be reminded they are temporal feelings that could easily fade away. Its recurrent, reappears on daily basis, that feeling can be dismissed unless your willpower is constantly fueled with bravery. If its insignificant, why are you scared? Level-up your confidence, everything is significant in this life, the care and attention determines if it’s insignificant or not.
I want you to challenge yourself, remember you will never get it right the first time, few will mock you, others will encourage you, others will be observers (neutral), while others are waiting…