
FRIENDSHIP is like a bond, indirectly a spiritual bond. It has two sides to one coin. Some may take it as a joke, while others are very serious with their Relationships. There comes the unbalanced nature to their friendship, but this is not seen at the swallow level but at the deeper level which is reflected in the consequences. With reference to marriage, it is a commitment between two people to become one. The acquisition of knowledge, the quest of wanting to know more, requires attention, focus, and time and when this information is gathered they become skills to bring development and shift in ideas. Let’s analyze these various factors;
1. Interest. The very essence of our relationships is to protect our common core values and make memories that we know are healthy to maintain that level of trust and confidence. As earlier mentioned above, when the interest is not at that same level, there’s someone benefiting more and another giving too much. Now the person who is giving more is either scared to let go of the loyalty of the person.
2. Confidentiality: Friendship is surrounded by confidentiality, the nature of their friendship. Here we talk about maturity, how we communicate, how we stand for what we believe (core values), and what risk are we ready to take to protect our relationship. If there’s a solid foundation therefore nothing can break that bond except unbalanced interest which breaks the bond and changes the narratives of the friendship.
3. Trust: This is the pull and push game. They work in both ways, an encounter at different events will require each of them to prove their loyalty and fill in the gaps of trust and love (protection and Responsibility). When an area is shaken and doubted, emotions get the best of them especially on the negative side, bearing or ignoring the consequences.
4. Faith: Faith is like prayer, continuous communication, and hoping and expecting things to get better. Things may get worst, but we don’t see how bad the situation can be and expect things to turn out positive. Having faith in your relationships builds a better connection and shields each other from harm.
5. Forgiveness: This concern is about letting go and respect. As it is usually known, every friendship needs to have a foundation. For example; Did you meet in school, at the office, or at an event, what are your common core values. What factors initiates your conversation, is there always room to let them in when they make mistakes, are you willing to carry their burden with them or prefer holding only to the good things in life (what he/she is).
In conclusion, life is about love, peace, and joy. The only thing which will matter is the friendship either with interest, confidentiality, trust, faith, and forgiveness. Be careful who you call your friends, not everyone is a friend, some are enemies while some enemies are friends. Love and respect everyone. The greatest friendship you can ever aspire for is the friendship between you (inner self) and You (physical body)