Generally, when we mention the word “KILL” there’s always negative energy that comes in between. That energy brings forth fear, anger, and dreadful thoughts. The majority will choose to run, while others will prefer to confront it. The public definition of “kill” is to be deprived of life, the cause of death. Therefore, in the act of doing something either in a positive mannerism or negative articulations or an exaggeration of an achievement. Statements like “you killed it” or an expression of a sudden notable gain or profit made a killing in the stock market. There’s so much meaning in the word kill, using the ordinary and positive affirmations.
Categorically, it is the process before the result. Meaning it is the act of a cause, therefore killing is a process to achieve a result, either positive or negative. Today let’s leap into the positive affirmations of Killing, by evaluating the reasons why individuals fail or don’t succeed in their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks.
1. The Fear of the Unknown. I can testify about my own experiences, and everyone is a victim. Many successful individuals, doubted their potential at some point and did not even try until they decided to accept whatever things might be on their path. Their first experience was a failure, resilience, motivation, discipline, hard work made them who they are today. Have you ever wondered why these individuals choose to share their stories? Their aim is to motivate you and make you believe in your potential. Killing is actually the process, an act to a cause. If it is from a negative point of view, therefore, it limits you from reaching your limits whereas, from a positive angle, it portrays the magnificent beauty in you.
2. Comfort Zone: if there’s one thing man hates is about living, having a life every day with the struggles, and another thing man likes the most is life, filled with so much beauty and happiness. Many adults are nostalgic about their childhood days. With all the love and affection shown to them, little or no responsibility, which is quite opposite of adulthood. Slangs like; “Adulthood is a scam” movies made us realize there’s perfection in adulthood whereas there’s no food for a lazy man. Your comfort zone doesn’t make you grow, the act of waking up early or starting a business is the most difficult part of the mind to accept, yet we blame the body (lazy). We are sometimes influenced by our cultural background, personal beliefs, or public opinions. You fear losing the advantages of being accepted and included. The mind builds a wall, separating the thinking mind and the active body. The body is a response to what the mind gives a command. Therefore, the actual process involves breaking through the wall by killing the fear of the unknown, confronting your uncomfortable thought, and creating a new norm of being comfortable while uncomfortable.
3. Pain. Pain is subjective, but most times we expect everyone to accept pain and be in pain even if they are not in the right environment. They are different ways individuals share their pain; making fun, isolation, pathetic. These individuals get so emotionally too sensitivities to situations happening around them which is not directly referred to them. Pain is a process, either you adapt to the new changes in your life or you learn to deal with the pain as a way of life. The killing manifest when you experience growth with pain, and acceptance of living through the pain. No matter how you find the right words to explain your pain, the pain remains subjective until you wear that shoe of pain. Gradually, your mindset changes.
In a nutshell, the whole description is about the act of killing the negative affirmations into producing positive affirmations. It’s all the process in the fear of the unknown, comfort zone, and Pain. Wanting to know thyself through, educating, teaching, sensitizing, giving, and sacrificing.
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