My Inspiration From Bob Proctor

3 min readMar 21, 2022



A man I never met, but his words felt like we had a meeting and discussed my present project (My Mindset-shift/my paradigm Shift).

At the beginning of this journey, all I needed was a clarification and a grasp of what I intended to do. With many ideas but no niche. I needed to identify the goal.

Then scrolling through my Instagram profile …boom!!!! Read a quote from him saying “The only competition you will ever face is with your own ignorance…. Raise your level of #awareness.#BobProctor”. Then I started reading his works and attended his training……

It became a challenge for me immediately, and I shared this. Reflected on so many things and decided to take things into my hands, didn’t care about the experience, what I was so concerned about was increasing my level of awareness.

Things I learned from Bob Proctor Teachings

1. Obedience: He started his journey of discovery at the age of 26 and died at the age of 88. As old as he was, he kept doing what he loved and desired so much. How many of us are ready to follow a path that seems difficult to understand but easy to follow when we are obedient.

2. Gratitude: He kept reading the same book for over 60 years and still got inspired by every word on every single day. The name of the book is “Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill”. This book changed his life forever and encouraged others to read this book. Reflecting on ourselves, many times individuals, institutions, and the environment change our narratives on how we deal with situations, and we show less concern to reconnect with them anymore especially when we have acquired a particular level of success in society. Do you know why they changed you because you were willing to free your mind and accept the change? Now, due to your popularity, your mind is clothed with what you expect to see and do not want to learn something new.

3. Physical Fitness. Bob Proctor, is always very happy and proud of his active nature. He felt younger inside even though he was old. He did his possible best by making sure we use money as a tool and not a master. A constant reminder of not making yourself being controlled by money and forgetting the human value of keeping fit in mind and body. One of his quotes states, “It doesn’t matter where you came from or where you may be at-it matters where you are going!”. Most of the time, we get so involved in search of money that we neglect our health or body. How often do we care for our body, is it a priority or a gesture of thankfulness while is money a tool or a master.

4. Identification: He empathized with the use of the mind and how it works. The conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the terror barriers. Identifying these factors helps an individual to know their strength and weakness. They control their thoughts and actions and have less interest in things which doesn’t add value to their personality. Consciously we are aware of the things which are right and wrong, but in the real essence of living, we accept everything and are not courageous enough to refuse. Therefore, what defines your personality?

5. Simplicity: The word Paradigm shift might be something difficult to understand but through his teachings, you can easily relate to everything he spoke about. From personal developments to wealth acquisition to Family and physical fitness. How do we make our lives simple? Or we complicate our existence by not identifying the most important principles of life which are; personal development, Wealth acquisition, Skills development, physical health, and Relationships.

6. Be driven By Passion. He died at the age of 88, but age didn’t define when he was willing to retire. He loved what he was doing and always felt satisfied and happy. This you could notice during his training and live stream. He said if you plan to retire that means you are not in the right job, your job should be what gives you lots of excitement and there should be no specific time to retire your knowledge is still very resourceful in our society today.





Written by Pauline NGONGANG

Pauline NGONGANG talks about mindset-shift, by providing guidance on how to build/cultivate minds to attain their utmost potentials.

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