Pain. (Do you want pain/suffering to be your Friend or Enemy?)
A fervent Christian will tell you to love God and be a disciple through his suffering (Are you ready to carry my cross?)
One of the apparatuses for growing is through pain/suffering, and the most romantic word we use is challenges.
This should always cling to your memories. Many choose to show their pain/suffering to get validation from others while the next group decides to deal with them silently/privately. The final answer is we are all suffering to succeed. (We will discuss what’s success on another day). Either way we choose to deal with them doesn’t concern anybody. You are solely responsible for anything happening within and without.
1. Take your time (not for so long, the world will not wait for you because you are in pain or recollection mood) and reflect on what knowledge you need to acquire not to feel the same way you did in view of the fact that, these events will still occur over and over until you learn from it. It doesn’t happen intentionally or periodically is the denial attitude that you escape that keeps hunting you (don’t blame anyone, you are to blame, and don’t be too harsh on yourself.) you will be more devastated if you don’t learn how to deal with them the first time.
2. Accept the feeling and if appropriate/necessary for you to share with someone( a group sharing problem can lead to more problems except otherwise) whose mind and behavior/character/personality permit you to express freely than being under pressure (when expressing yourself, you have to be very comfortable and if you aren’t, then you are not with the right person or environment). Your inducement is not for them to give you solutions/answers (their opinions are not your solutions) but rather a technique to overpower your ability to control, withstand, and dismiss the primary activity which is thought (mindset). The first breakdown is through your emotions before physical and when you are able to say it, you begin to feel a lit bit relieved and that’s one of the processes of healing. The reason is, to speak up with the right persons through your observations of their character and personality. Just a few people have trained their minds to be resilient. Explore your sub-conscious mindset
3. Defy the Pain. Keeping a distance is good but for how long. Remember the world is a small village either you accidentally rush into the person who caused you so much pain or something reminds you about the pain, there’s no escape until you confront the pain. Making sure your interior and exterior being has ably suppressed the emotions and navigates you towards the state of the present (there’s a movement happening within that time, it’s called the upward or backward phase) helps you move further than making you still leave in the past. (here many people say, I have forgiven and forgotten, but they still spend so much time and energy recollecting something which passed years
4. Engage in Positive Talks. We think positivity and having the right mind is just for individuals who have succeeded. Oh! no! It’s for everyone. It has a tremendous influence when you least expect its effectiveness. Consistency takes the edge off depression and anxiety while empowering the brain with knowledge of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-concept.
In a nutshell, pain/suffering doesn’t want more of what it’s undergoing. The only thing required from the victims is to overcome the thoughts and actions of the pain. When an individual focuses on the other side of suffering you realize pain/suffering are no longer enemies but friends. When you are friends with someone you can quickly bring out the best of them or the worst of them. Everything is in your hands. Do you want the pain to be your friend or Your enemy?
Books to Recommend on how to deal with pain
1. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
2. Atomic Habits by James Clear
3. The Power of Now by BY ECKHART TOLLE
If you need these books do not hesitate to contact me
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