What Are You Most Scared About? Money Or Power.

French: de quoi as-tu peur?
Spanish: ¿de qué tienes miedo?
5. Money:
Money is a necessity and a tool. Money can be manipulated and controlled don’t forget that.
Everybody wants to be comfortable and have access to money whenever they desire. Many know the various sources of money and have little knowledge of the various strategies to acquire wealth.
Selected individuals will fear with their imagination that having lots of money will change or bring out your true character. That’s true, slightly I will disagree so because being human is already an influence on your environment but little do we know or aware about.
Money is a product of self-existence and its behavioral patterns are from cultural identity and personal identity leading to a person’s confused state of being.
Acquiring wealth gives us the opportunity to show our dominance over that particular element(money) but we misuse it and reverse the case and we become victims of circumstances.
Be hardworking and create more wealth, if not you will continue and always be a consumer of a product rather being a businessman (buying and Selling).
6. Power.
We are always in search of power to make us feel like powerful or prominent beings. How can you go in search of something which you already have?
Being Alive is power, maybe you haven’t been in a situation whereby it’s solely your decision to stay alive or die. Or imagine yourself threw in an ocean and you can’t swim, won’t you be struggling to stay alive?
Being alive is power, that’s hope and your future is unpredictable. The most challenging aspect is being patient and waiting for the right time and opportunity. All fingers are not the same but all our human parts are the same.
When we are thirsty we need water, to succeed we all need time and if we are starving, we need food to sustain the functioning of the body.
You are not actually scared of power but rather you are unaware of the power you have within. It all needs you to fuel the engine which is hope.
In conclusion,
Fear comes from the Mind. Make it irrelevant and it will be and vice versa. These elements like past, change, relationships, environment, money, power are some of the things we are scared about.
Tips to take into consideration
1. Practice Gratitude Always.
2. Accept Change
3. Differentiate between Cultural Identity and Personal Identity.
4. Constantly ask yourself if your relationship is based on interest or Commitments.
5. Improve your Communication Skills.