What Are You Scared About?
Many things on your mind but in the end, a proposed answer actually doesn’t define the element that makes you scared. Sometimes you wonder if that was the right answer.
Personally, I’m scared of not reaching my limits. Being comfortable with what I have achieved so far rather than being uncomfortable, developing, acquiring, and providing more services to society. The world has enough space for what you can offer.
Never think, there’s so much in the world.
There’s room for growth in all sectors of society. As a human, I’m aware of the potentials I do possess, my ability to critically think, and my initiative to embrace change, flexibility, and adaptability.
Many of the reasons why people can’t change are;
1. PAST: Regrets are what we uphold in our minds when we lose opportunities. A story has a past, present, and future. The past serves as a lesson, the present a blessing, while the future is hopeful. You expect a child to learn a lesson when you continuously remind the child of what he/she did.
Do you think that child will grow? You are that child, having physical changes on your body doesn’t mean your inner child has disappeared. Learn to walk away from your past, move on, let go and outgrow. The world will not stand still because your mind, body, and Spirit are stuck on things that cannot be changed.
2. CHANGE. As adults, we have grown and our experiences have defined our identity. We have classified things which are important, very important, and Most Important. When it comes to major events in our lives, we shy so much to get involved.
Yes, shy reasons being we desire it from our far, but we limit ourselves to approaching it. If you want and desire money, do you sit on your couch all day watching movies and expect to receive a large amount of money in your bank account? Or you will wake up very early to make calls, attend meetings, conferences, learn required skills and develop a new strategy to create wealth or increase wealth.
Therefore, a new strategy is required and that’s change. You need to change, be bold enough, and face your fears. Fall ten times but rise 11 times, let them laugh, at the end of the day that same mouth will praise you. Only those who see the future in you will never cease to encourage you and those whose minds are fixed on failures never understand the virtue of endurance and hard work.
It doesn’t make you weak but rather shows that you are limitless.
We will continue tomorrow for part two.
I asked again What are you scared of?