What’s your true Value?

3 min readMay 23, 2022

The aspiration of every human is to be free, respected, and valued. No one wishes to be a third wheel or a replacement. One of the causes of mental health is the need to be loved and respected, listen and accepted. Every individual is aware of their diversified attention, but the majority depends so much on external love. Love and respect begin from the inside, the way in which we carry our minds and accept information matters a lot. There’s always a picture of perfectionism, and we believe we can only get there through our minds, but the actual work is faced with the realities of life. Living through the moment, where we focus on the values of existence;

Words: it’s been known that words become powerless, yet actions are defined by the words utterly either verbally or non-verbally. The meaning of words dwells so much on what we think about, and it’s reflected through our actions. Moreover, life experiences trigger our present thoughts and push us to the wrong side. Therefore, be careful with your words, choose them carefully, and be consciously aware of who and where you are transmitting the information. Sometimes your words give hope, and sometimes your words open wounds that can never be healed. Be very careful.

Relationships. Most times our success pushes people away from us, we tend to believe our money is a tool for people to be loyal and committed. The actual thing is you don’t use money, but money uses you. To better understand this statement addiction doesn’t just start on the first day, hour, or minutes rather it starts with a continuous process. Therefore, when you think money is the ultimate goal to maintain friendship then you are living a fake life and fake life has fake friends. Keep close to those you know money can’t replace, and keep closest to those who value your time and respect your opinion.

Respect: Respect is reciprocal. What I give you should be what you expect to be receiving from me. The moment there’s little or no respect for one another, anything is possible to happen. Firstly, embrace the situation and give yourself a treat by engaging in the process of meditation, The world is full of lots of noise that we get so familiar with and feel inadequate to when the environment is calm and that environment is ourselves. Many don’t have a safe place everywhere they are hunted by noise, not by the society’s faults but by the person concerned. Respect yourself by giving opportunities to embrace change and growth and when that becomes a routine, easily can you say no and give respect to everyone.

Forgiveness. How many times do we forgive ourselves when we make a mistake, do we turn to put lots of pressure to succeed that we forget life is a process, and even though you fail. Forgiveness is about willing to be vulnerable and accepting failures. How long are willing to stay there which has passed yesterday, it becomes very powerful when you dwell on that. Therefore, if you have forgiven somebody, let go and move to the next step of your journey together.

In conclusion, your value is based on your words, relationships, respect, and forgiveness.

